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Meet Bubby – Homeward Bound Pet Shelter

Meet Bubby

Bubby, a formerly shy and withdrawn cat, has really come out of his shell in one of our newly catified rooms. In this new environment, Bubby enjoys the company of other cats and visitors with ease. Dont let the pics of him basking in the sun and lazing around fool you. He is also a very active and playful cat! Bubby is front declawed and was rescued from a county shelter in IL. He has been waiting for his new home with us since March 2015.

Bubby is a friendly, playful, and handsome guy. He gets along well with other cats but is fearful of dogs. Bubby loves high rise living, lounging in the sun, and is dressed to impress in his dapper tuxedo. – Pat H., Bubbys Paw Protector

A home would be the best anniversary gift Bubby could receive!